Turkey Red Winter Wheat
Turkey Red Winter Wheat
Triticum aestivum
Fall planting, late summer harvest
About 100 seeds per pack
Legendary, high-quality landrace heirloom, Hard Red Winter Wheat. With its origins in Turkey, it arrived in Kansas with Ukrainian and Crimean Mennonite farmers fleeing Czar Nicholas II in 1873. The iconic reputation of Kansas wheat traces back to the many millions of acres of Turkey Red grown a century ago. Following decades of nearly complete disappearance, Turkey Red has been saved from extinction in the last twenty years by organic farmer Bryce Stephens and his family’s fifth-generation farm in western KS. To grow for grain, plant in fall for harvest next summer. We first received this seed from legendary Baker, Andy Clark of Moxie Bakery in Boulder, CO. Last grown out for us by Aspen Moon Farm.